Psychic Abilities Activation Course

Do you know how powerful your Psychic Abilities are?

Explore your Psychic Power and be amazed at how powerful you are at,

               Staying Safe

               Staying Happy

               Staying Fulfilled

Through daily using the Gifts of your Psychic Powers.

🌟 They are 100% Accurate.

🌟 They are available 24/7.

🌟 You have access to them for your whole life.

🌟 They are an incredible support.

🌟 They 100% have your back.

🌟 All you have to do is Tune in and Action this inner guidance.

Divine Soul,

36 years ago when l was 26, l had no idea about my Psychic Abilities

and how amazing they are.

I was lost and confused after a relationship break up.



I held my first crystal, this piece of Amethyst, and all my worries lifted instantly.

In that moment,

I said, “l have no idea what you did but i’m going to find out”.

I then studied crystal healing which tuned me into my Psychic Abilities,

Helping me to be sensitive to the energies around me.

This TOTALLY changed and ENHANCED

my life.

Your Psychic Abilities

are the Feelings,


Whispered guidance,


That are the nudge, YES this is the career.

The feeling YES he/she is my beloved.

The insight l am SAFE.

The whisper they are a LIFE friend.

Dive into your Psychic Abilities.

and be empowered by your Psychic Sensitivity.

Do you want to always feel and be SAFE?

Do you want to always be in the right place at the right time?

Do you want your best partner?

Do you want the career that fulfils you?

Do you want friends that truly love you and have your back?

Explore your Psychic Power

and be amazed at how Powerful

You are at

Staying Safe

Staying Happy

Staying Fulfilled

Through daily using the Gifts of your Psychic Powers.

Experience the Joy of your life of Flow through being tuned in to what feels right through your Psychic Clairsentience, your clear Feeling.

Dare to live your Dreams with the support of your Psychic Abilities guiding you every step of the way to fulfil your Dreams through Grace and Ease.

What this e-course includes:

  • 23 modules
  • 4 meditation and activation videos
  • Affirmations
  • Live 1 hr Q&A with me


The modules cover:

🌟 How to get the best from Psychic Abilities Activation

🌟 Chakras

🌟 What is a Psychic

🌟 Psychic Abilities, Gifts and Powers


🌟Claircognizance Clear Knowing.

– How to use it.

🌟Claircognizance Meditation and Activation video where l use:

Harmonic chanting and Creators.

Light to clear and activate your Claircognizance.

🌟Claircognizance homework.


🌟Clairvoyance Clear Vision.

– How to use it.

🌟Clairvoyance Meditation and Activation video where I use:

Harmonic chanting and Creators.

Light to clear and activate your Clairvoyance.

🌟 Clairvoyance homework.


🌟Clairaudience Clear Hearing

– How to use it.

🌟Clairaudience Meditation and Activation video where I use:

– Harmonic chanting and Creators

– Light to clear and activate your Clairaudience.

🌟Clairaudience homework.


🌟Clairsentience  Clear Feeling

– How to use it.

🌟Clairsentience Meditation and Activation video where I use:

– Harmonic chanting and Creators

– Light to clear and activate your Clairsentience

🌟 Clairsentience homework

🌟 Psychic Protection

🌟 Grounding

🌟 Your Psychic Abilities are Life Saving Life Enhancing

🌟 Summary


I know if you do the homework

you will get results.

Making a commitment to staying tuned in to your Psychic Abilities and by you actioning this guidance you will live your life of Flow.

So l offer you this guarantee …

if you do all the homework and don’t get results… l’ll give you your money back.

So you can make this purchase with peace of mind knowing that you’ll get a great return on your investment.


Dorothy is a beautiful soul with the biggest  healing heart 💗.  I’ve had the pleasure of working
with Dorothy both online and in person in Jervis Bay.  Dorothy has a beautiful aura and brings an incredible calm and grounded energy.  She has a special way of helping you to clear out the past
and what no longer serves you and gets you excited about your future.  Her chanting is next level, it’s such a powerful healing experience to feel the vibrations go through your body.
You’ll treasure the opportunity to work with Dorothy 😘

Dorothy was an angel sent to me I’m sure of it. Always there for me and always holding me to my highest. Her guidance was so helpful and readings absolutely accurate . I worked with Dorothy
over several sessions through a two year period and my life now and all of a sudden changed in so
many glorious ways. Dorothy is truly gifted and a beautiful soul to work with and have support
you. Thank you to the moon and back Dorothy. All my love xoxo

Working with Dorothy is a very special experience. I met Dorothy in women’s self development group I was apart of and instantly knew the knowledge and wisdom she was bringing was potent.  Her work and abilities; chanting and working in the quantum, was something I immediately “got” and understood through Dorothy messages and interpretation of the light from the guides and masters she communicates and surrounds herself with daily. Sharing this knowledge and experience through the channel as a client I am able to receive and understand the information
my “human brain” may be wanting to block or have difficulty accessing because of what society tells
us is available for us to access on our own. My spiritual journey is growing and activating through
work with Dorothy and I have really come so far with trusting the divine consciousness and allowing my brain to make the switch and operate in the quantum realm with safety and no fear
of spiraling out of control with the gift, power and access we all possess. If your thinking about a session with Dorothy, all I can say is integration. You want to have concepts from the divine quantum realm streamed into your soul through golden light, safety and peace? Dorothy is the
one for that 1000%. Thank you for your work

Dorothy Fraser is a giant diamond of light. Her ability to guide and heal with love is a rare and treasured gift. Your soul will thank you!!

Dorothy is a guiding light in the world. She lifts her clients into the new world of love, light and joy by showing them the way, by healing their inner child wounds and by reconfirming their truth.
The world is raising its vibration with Dorothy’s active support. Dorothy has a big impact on all of those she heals, she sees you, she hears you, she meets you where you are, and she shows you
and lifts you to your best self. Thank you Dorothy 🙏❤️

The minute you work with Dorothy you feel elevated into a super high frequency and consciousness. She has a gift to see straight into your world and pinpoint exactly what is going on especially with health stuff. She is like a secret weapon in your corner and I have lost count on
how many people I’ve referred her to. She is no nonsense and tells it as it is which is super refreshing in the healing space. I can’t recommend Dorothy highly enough.

Dorothy’s energy and chanting healing work is extraordinary. Her psychic abilities to connect
into the core issues is always on point. She is a trusted healer, very kind and generous with her work, and her heart. I highly recommend her and her work.

Naam Shahjahan

I have known Dorothy Fraser for 15 years, I first met Dorothy at a talk she presented in Bondi. Afterwards Dorothy approached me privately and told me incredibly accurate things about my
past and present experiences. I have been going to Dorothy for her spiritual guidance and healing ever since that night. I absolutely love following Dorothy’s posts on social media and I often join
in on her blessings and absorb her chanting into my energies. I just love her, she is as powerful
and magical as she is a beautiful soul.

My first healing with Dorothy was hands on in the 1990s and it was life changing. Years of trauma fell behind and when Dorothy named and reinterpreted my deepest sorrow, I knew I was in good hands.  A more recent healing via zoom shifted blocks and realigned both physical and spiritual progress. I personally and heartily recommend Dorothy as a healer and catalyst for incredible change. With love and light.

Colleen Brown

As a long time client of Dorothy’s, I am pleased to share what a fantastic influence her guidance
and healing has had on my life. She has provided much wisdom, positivity and direction for me
and also been an example in her life on how to keep focus and dedication inspiring me to follow. When I have needed words of encouragement or healing and guidance Dorothy has been instrumental on helping me back to my spiritual centre. I highly recommend her as a guide,
teacher and healer for anyone seeking wisdom.

Lisa T

Dorothy has given me enormous support and accurate insights throughout the years. I am truly grateful to Dorothy for all her intuitive advice and commonsense guidance that have helped me through different stages of my life from relationship breakdown to parenting, family
relationships and health challenges. She sees the truth for what it is and is able to quickly clear
any energy blockages. She is an expert in her field combined with practical helpful suggestions for
daily life. I would highly recommend Dorothy to anyone.

Claudette Wadsworth, Naturopath, 12 October 2023.

Will you be the Doctor?

Like Dr Bach in the 1930s

Who used his intuition to guide him to the right plants that would help the mental,emotional and physical wellbeing of his patients he created the Bach Flower Essences.

They have been used worldwide by people,helping them with multiple imbalances.

I have used Bach Flower Essences for years with fantastic results.

Rescue Remedy

Is a wonderful support for clearing shock and trauma.

Will you be the Farmer?

The farmer knows the sheep need him and arrives in time to save them from dogs.

Will you be the Mother who feels the need to check on the kids just before they get up to mischief.

How your Psychic Abilities save you money.

You feel to go shopping and you buy great new clothes  at 1/3 of the price, as it happens to be a sale day.

Your Psychic Abilities are Real.

They are not Mumbo jumbo.

They’re Real,

They Save Lives.

They Enhance every area of your Life.

Why you should learn from me?

I have been using my Psychic Abilities for over 35 years

for myself and have experienced my life of Grace and Flow.

I have been a Spiritual Healer and Psychic Reader.

Uplifting and Business Coach for over 30 years.

Using my Psychic Abilities

Claircognizance Clear Knowing

Clairvoyance Clear Vision

Clairaudience Clear Hearing

Clairsentience Clear Feel

Tuning into all areas of my clients lives, helping them have clarity and clear direction in







Their path

Their Career

Your Family





Life purpose




Business partners






In a Healing, I physically scan my clients DNA 🧬 Body systems,

Meridians, Chakras and Aura.

Sensing, Seeing ,Hearing and Feeling where there pain,trauma is held in their body and with my clients permission and Creators Great Light


Fear to Love

Anxiety to Calm

Worry to Clarity

Stress to Peace Solutions

Lack of Love to Self Love

Low Self Esteem to High Self Esteem

Unworthy to Worthy

Lack of Confidence to Confident

Heart broken to Wholeness

Grief Sorrow to Acceptance Serenity

Mental Depression to Joy Balance

Emotional Depression to Love Happiness

Physical Depression to Physical Freedom

Financial Depression to Solutions Direction

My Qualifications

Following my first experience with the amethyst crystal, I started reading Katrina Raphael’s books.

The titles are, Crystal Enlightenment, Crystal Healing, Crystalline Transmission.


During a retreat to connect with your Spirit guide,

I met my spirit guide Lone Wolf.

He is an incredible Healer

who has protected and guided my healing and teaching work for over 30 years.


I trained with Denise Lynn and gained

Shiatsu Massage and

LTC Native American Rhythm Massage Certificates.


I went to Canoe Island North America and continued my studies with Denise Lynn.

Where l learned Sequoyah Native American Healing.


I then travelled to New Mexico

and trained with Katrina Raphaell

at the Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts.

l completed my Crystal Healing Certificate and achieved my Crystalline Transmission.


I trained with Maynard Eakan Inuit Elder in Earth Healing, group and hands on Healing.


Aura Reading and Mediumship with Doreen Virtue.


Angel Intuitive Certificate With Doreen Virtue.


Reiki 1, 2 and Masters

With Reiki Master Jan Winslade.


Angel Therapy Practitioner Certificate with Doreen Virtue in  Kona Hawaii.


Theta Healing

Basic Theta Healing

Advance Theta Healing

Intuitive Anatomy

With Colleen Clark.


I traveled to Idaho Falls

Where l trained with Vianna Stibal

In Theta Healing

Theta Healing Intuitive Anatomy

Disease and Disorders

DNA3 🧬.


Trained with Arcady Petrov, Russian Healer.

2003 - current

Worked in healing centres and spiritual shops throughout Australia as a Spiritual Healer, Psychic Reader, Spiritual Teacher and Masseur.

I have activated the Psychic Abilities in thousands of clients one-on-one and in groups.

I consistently work to keep my Psychic channels ,Gifts, Powers Abilities very clear.

I know how to quickly and effectively help you access and use your Psychic Abilities to bring extraordinary Benefits into your life.

I cannot stress enough how important your Psychic Abilities are.

They are a Gift from the Divine and when you action them daily you will Live your Life of Joy ,Grace and Fulfilment.


Q. Is everyone Psychic?

A. Everyone is Psychic.

Everyone has:

Claircognizance Clear Knowing

Clairvoyance Clear Vision

Clairaudience Clear Hearing

Clairsentience Clear Feeling

This course is for everyone

Q. How long will l have access to the course?

A. For as long as the course is available for purchase – so at least 12 months from the date of purchase.

Q. Will there be live calls?

A. No. The course is pre-recorded ready for you to watch and use .

Q. Will there be live Q & A ?

A. Yes there will be

1 x 1 hr live Q & A with me on February 10th 2024 at 10am AEDT.

Where l will be available to answer any questions you have related to this course and your Psychic Abilities, Gifts and Powers.

Will bring you great joy and align you to experiences of bliss.

Will delight you in how accurate you are.

Will bring incredible enchantment ,happiness ,fulfilment and inner peace into your life.

Psychic Abilities ,Gifts and Powers will energise and uplift you.

Will guide you to your life where you will thrive and experience continued success through actioning this inner Guidance.

You will feel vibrant ,empowered and confident throughout your day and life.

They are dependable and trustworthy offering practical steps that will keep you safe and secure.

They last a life time and are 100% accurate.

They will shelter you, protect you and your family and your investments.

They will alert you and are ever vigilant.

They will save you costly errors.

They will save you needless worry so you can rest easy.

They will help you feel more confident and relaxed .Secure in expressing yourself as you access universal wisdom through your Psychic Gifts. You will feel very wise and have access to extraordinary knowledge and inner strength.

They will help you unleash your Creativity and align you to golden opportunities and will help you achieve any goal you envision through Grace.

They give you instant feedback,

Sound advice and solutions to every situation.

They are your Gift from the Divine, they are your birth right and all you have to do is stay clear and action this inner guidance and every area of your life will Flow.

Wishing you a Glorious Life

Dorothy Fraser.