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Master Manifestor
Best Seller
Highest Rated
January 20, 2019 8:00 pm / 1 Modules
In this MASTER MANIFESTOR online course, I share with you 3 Golden Keys to create your DREAMS and LIVE with GRACE, JOY and EASE. With the use of Meditation, Visualization and Theta Healing we will reprogram your beliefs, feelings and habits so you can live the life you have always DREAMED.
  • DorothyFraser
  • 1 Students
  • Master Manifestor
id: 1810
Total lessons: 1
Total quizes: 0
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Love and Romance
Best Seller
Highest Rated
July 13, 2019 2:09 pm / 16 Modules
In this Love and Relationships online class, I share with you how to bring love into your life, have self love and how to enhance exisiting relationships.
  • DorothyFraser
  • 1 Students
  • Love and Romance
id: 1849
Total lessons: 18
Total quizes: 0
You are not enrolled on this course
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